Made For Mission
It’s no secret, people long for a life of meaning, a life that matters for something more than their own personal comfort and temporary success. Yet, as J.D. Greer has put it, there are few lies that cripple the mission of the church more than the belief that only a select few are called to ministry. This six-week series is designed to unlock the amazing truth that every child of God was Made for Mission.
As we journey together through the teaching of Scripture, there is no doubt that we will grow in our understanding of what it means to fully surrender our lives to the radical calling of Jesus Christ, who whispers to every heart, “Follow me.”
We invite you to join us for this series – beginning Sunday, March 1st – and discover the joy and peace that comes from fulfilling God’s Mission for your life!
Week 1 – Sunday, March 1st
This week, through the call of Matthew, the despised tax collector, we answer the question, “Am I called?”
“Jesus stopped at the table, leaned in, and whispered to Matthew just loud enough to hear. “Follow me.” Not knowing hardly anything about this Jesus. Not knowing where he was going. What he was calling Matthew to or why in the world he’d selected Matthew in the first place. Matthew found himself immediately standing up and leaving his life of tax collecting behind. Somewhere in the deep part of his soul he knew that this was the most important decision he ever made in his life.”
Week 2 – Sunday, March 8th
This week we examine the question, “What is my calling?”
“Jesus made it clear that the mission of those who would follow him was the same as His. Followers must lay down their lives on a daily basis for the sake of others being saved. This isn’t just a one-time event, this is the mission of our lives on a daily basis from now until Jesus returns. Our mission is way bigger than ourselves or even the people we serve, it’s part of a worldwide movement that Jesus started.”
Week 3 – Sunday, March 15th
In the third week of our series, we explore the question, “What is my message?”
Before I met Jesus, I was a deeply, deeply troubled man. I lived in a graveyard, tortured and haunted every moment by a multitude of evil spirits that possessed me. No one could bind me, not even with chains. I recall several times when concerned people shackled my feet and put chains on me, but supernatural strength from the demons living inside me would empower me to tear apart the chains and break the shackles into pieces. I was a deranged, wild animal, that no one could tame. I was a companion of the dead, spending day and night in the mountain tombs, crying out in anguish and cutting myself with stones. But that all changed the day I met Jesus.